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2,702 bytes added, 13:39, 26 September 2022
Border Crossings: adding a crossing
Buenas rutas! [[User: nachoxsur]]
=== To/From [[Brazil]]===
'''Puerto Maldonado – Assis Brazil'''
Hitchhiking in this area towards Brazil is very easy. Many people offer rides and try to help even if you don’t ask.
Of course there is always the chance to fall on a bad spot where nobody stops. But in general it is easy to hitchhike.
The Peruvian side is a classical jungle. Tends to be hot and humid. Many parts of the road is not shaded so you should be prepared in case of a hot day.
Many people come to work in the mines here, which some times brings shady people that came just for finding gold. The locals warn SonOfaHirch from the town Pampas, which is on the way.
Puerto Maldonado is quite a big city, but once you are close to the exist points of it it is quite easy to get rides, But also inside the city sometimes people offer rides if they see you walking.
The crossing itself is kind of weird. The two cities Iñapari and Asiss are kind of a buffer zone between Peru and Brazil. You can move between those little towns like you are not really crossing a border. In the entrance to both towns from both sides there is immigration police.
But they are not the official Immigration offices.
They might check you to see if you are legal, but also many times they don’t.
The immigration office in Iñapari is open 24 hours they told me, but I wouldn’t recommend coming really late or early. It is located inside the town (-10.955238,-69.577738 Google Maps). If you don’t manage to find it ask the mototaxis, most of them know where it is. You will probably won’t notice it if you just walk through the town. The process is kind of normal. They ask you questions if you want to leave or enter Peru, And if you are vaccinated to which they only want to see some papers but barely check them.
Not very friendly and speaks mainly Spanish but in general not too difficult.
On the Brazilian side the immigration office is on the road towards the rest of Brazil.
It is the first window to your left when you try to walk towards Brazil crossing the big gate.
They are open from 8:00 – 12:00 and from 14:00 – 18:00 but maybe better not coming towards the end or begging of shifts.
Also kind of normal crossing process, They were really kind and gave 90 days like nothing.
They might even give you access to Brazil before you officially left Peru.
So if you don’t want to have a fine when you come back don’t forget to visit the Peruvian office first. They didn’t ask for any Covid papers.
On the Brazilian side you should know that there is barely any jungle left next to the road.
It is all flat grass. It is also less populated and there are big distances between villages, with some houses along side the road.
== Cities ==

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