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Hitchhiker's safety

6 bytes added, 14:10, 8 September 2015
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Here are four quick tips which will make you safer:
* Ask for rides at gas petrol stations instead of signalling at the roadside.
* Trust your instincts.
* Refuse rides from [ impaired drivers].
You should make sure you are standing along a safe portion of road, as far back from the travelled portion of the road as possible (on the unimproved portion of the road shoulder). Make sure that you are visible to drivers from a good distance (100 meters or more is ideal) to allow them time to 1) decide if they want to pick you up and 2) safely pull to the side of the road.
Wear bright, visible clothes, especially while walking on the road! Consider wearing a bright reflecting safety vest. At night time use reflectors and carry a small torch. You can purchase these often at gas petrol stations and supermarkets. Carry these in your backpack at all times: even if you are not planning to hitchhike during the darkness. Make sure you are visible from both sides. Attach reflectors to your backpack for example.
Sometimes, especially but not exclusively [[hitchhiking at night|at night]], drivers will [[picking up hitchhikers|pick up a hitchhiker]] because they are tired and sleepy, but must get to their destination on time. Make sure you never fall asleep in someone's car if you are suspecting this might be the case. Even if you can't find a conversation topic, stay alert. If you have a driving licence; you might indicate this to your driver; he or she may be happy to let you drive. See [[Driving for your driver]]
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